
Arinori Ichihara and Makoto Oshima

  • 一原 有徳 / 大島 誠

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Arinori Ichihara and Makoto Oshima

Jan. 8 (Tue) - Feb. 3 (Sun) 2008

The exhibition of this month will introduce two artists from Hokkaido basically working with printing method and creating dynaimic and contemporary works.
The exhibition include 11 works by Arinori Ichihara who has been deepening his experimental print method, and 10 works by Makoto Oshima who is also a painter. Oshima has prepared his new works for this exhibition.
Ichihara working in Sapporo in Hokkaido, and Oshima born in Hokkaido. The two belong completely to different generations. Perhaps because of the two artists' same native country, we are also able to find similarities from the two artists. Far away spreading land and snow country... Thickness of their medium, or using drills to make prints; although the two use completely different methods in printmaking, their way to create something different from usual is also an apparant manner they share. We may also feel our relationship with land or its steadiness and share the power driven from the deepness of our daily life.
Date Jan. 8 (Tue) - Feb. 3 (Sun) 2008
Hours 11:00 - 19:00 (closed on Mondays)
works by Arinori Ichihara
