Chu Enoki1944-
Chu Enoki1944-
Born in Kagawa in 1944, he has been creating artworks as he works in metal processing business. While he shows attention to details as Japanese artist, his bold artworks highlighting materiality and strong appearance of a motif such as gun has given him a very original sculptural rendering in the context of a unique Japanese pop culture that exists in contrast to Japan perceived as a peaceful country.
- Solo Exhibitions
- 2015 RPM-1200, Kongobuji Temple, Koyasan
Chu Enoki: Enoki Chu, White Rainbow, London
2014 LSDF-014, Yamamoto Gendai, Tokyo
PATRONE-35, Port Gallery T, Osaka
2013 Stage set design for WHIRLIGIG BEETLE by Performance Troupe TAIHEN, AI•HALL (Itami Municipal Drama Hall), Hyogo
2012 The First C.A.J Artists in Residence Programme Exhibition: Shinohara Ushio & Enoki Chu, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama
For Whom the Cannon Burst?, Capsule Gallery, Tokyo
2011 Unleashing the Museum: Chu Enoki, Hyogo Prefectural Museum or Art, Hyogo
2010 Enoki Chu HAZ, Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), Ashiya, Osaka
2008 Chu Enoki: This Man, Hazardous, Miyanomori International Museum, Sapporo, Hokkaido
2007 Gyu and Chu: Ushio Shinohara and Chu Enoki, Toyota Municipal Museum, Aichi
2006 One Man Show by Enoki Chu, KPO Kirin Plaza Osaka, Osaka
2000 Play Station, Gusto House + Mokuba’s Tavern, Kobe, Hyogo
1994 Guillotine Shear-1250, JR Kobe Station no. 50, Kobe, Hyogo
1990 Tear Off the Skin of Earth, Gakuenhigashi-machi, Kobe, Hyogo
1985 2・3・7・8 TCDD Propagation, Cafe Suzuya, Kobe, Hyogo
1983 LSDF, Utsubo Gallery, Osaka
1982 U-235, Life Self Defense Force, Onishi Bldg., Kobe, Hyogo
1979 Bar Rose Chu, Higashimon Gallery, Kobe, Hyogo
1977 EVERYDAY LIFE/MULTI, Artist’s house, Kobe, Hyogo
Going to Hungary with HANGARI, Budapest/Deprecen, Hungary
1970 Naked Happening, Ginza Pedestrian Paradise, Tokyo - More
- Group Exhibitions
- 2009 Kobe Biennale 2009, Kobe Port Dolphin, Hyogo Museum
2007 ROPPONGI CROSSING 2007: Future Beats in Japanese Contemporary Art, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
2005 TRACES: Body and Ideas in Contemporary Art, Touring show
(The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto / The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo)
2004 Quantum Leap as part of Biwako Beinnale 2004, Omihachiman, Shiga
2000 Vacant Lot “Secret Base”, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Aichi
1991 Seven Artists: Aspects of Contemporary Japanese Art, Touring show
(Santa Monica, Museum of Art, California / Portland Art Museum, Portland/ Oregon Art Institute, Oregon /
Museo Rufino Tamaya Arte Contemporeano Internacional, Mexico City / The Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans)
1981 Theme Pavilion – Portopia’81 as part of Kobe EXPO, Kobe, Hyogo
1979 ART NOW ’79, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe
1975 ART NOW ’75, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe
1973 ART BY GROUP as part of Kyoto Biennale, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto
1969 Forming “0” (Zero), a drawing research group, with Rei Kamoi, Kiyoshi Furukawa, Kensaku Matsui, and Ichizo Wasa - More
- Awards
- 2013 Medals of Honour (Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon) from the Government of Japan
2010 Kobe City Cultural Prize, Kobe City, Hyogo
2008 The 32nd Iue Memorial Foundation Cultural Prize TV advert award for DMG Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. (Precision Machine maker)
2007 MAM Prize as part of Roppongi Crossing ‘07, judged by the trustees of Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
2002 Kobe City Cultural Encouragement Prize1980Blue Mer Prize (Kobecco) - More
- Collection / Public Art
- The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Aichi
Kyoto Seika University, Kyoto
Hyogo Prefectural Art Museum, Kobe - More