
Cai Guo-Qiang and 15 years at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale

Cai Guo-Qiang and 15 years at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale

Cai Guo-Qiang and 15 years at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale

author, editor, contributor
Edited by Takashi Shinkawa, Rei Maeda (Gendaikikakushitsu Publishers)
publisher / publishing year
Gendaikikakushitsu Publishers
size H210 × w150
volume / colour 73 pages
language JPN/ENG
price ¥2,000 + TAX
ISBN 978-4-7738-1512-2

Document book which Cai Guo-Qiang himself writes abou the latest work "Penglai/Horai", and his 15 years committent to Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale as the director of DMoCa (Doragon Museum of Contemporary Art). Introduction of the artists at DMoCa, such as Kiki Smith, Koutarou Miyanaga, Jennifer Wen Ma, Ann Hamilton, Peter Hutchinson, and text by Fram Kitagawa also included.

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