
Cai Guo-Qiang participates in Cultural City of East Aisa 2017 Kyoto
We are pleased to announce Cai Guo-Qiang’s developed installation of our project in Kyoto.
This time, Cai's large ship will be on view in the site of Nijojo, Kyoto.
This wood ship was originally created in Todaiji temple, Nara with assistance of ship carpenters from his homeland Quanzhou, China. They made it in traditional way going back to Sung Dynasty where the cultural exchange in East Asia was more active than we imagine today. Also, ship has been one of main themes of the artist as we have seen his credited "Ninth Wave" (2014) allowing the ship fowing in the river of Shanghai. The dynamic image of the ship transporting culture from country to country is still alive in the contemporary Cai's ship.
The whole process of ship making has been covered in the document video up to launch, the water ceremony, and will be available together with drawings and other documents, all testifying the creation of present work.
Nijojo, initially built by Yeyasu Tokugawa, offers an elegant context to Cai's ship where we can find a new charm of the artwork. Cai is developing the concept of Bonsai out of this ship.
Please visit Kyoto to see this developed version.
If you have any questions to the work, please contact us at