
Miyuki Takenaka won Semi Grand Prix of 4th art_icle Award

Miyuki Takenaka won Semi Grand Prix of 4th art_icle Award


art_icle Award was established to discover and cultivate artists in any ages and genre in December, 2006.
4th in this time, Miyuki Takenaka, related artists to our gallery, have won Semi Grand Prix.
Out of 240 artists entered, 19 artists' work who made it through the first round of selections were exhibited for the judge's final selection at Turner Gallery.
Report on this awrard is now on latest issue of "art_icle magazine" and you can see other works of selected artists.
Also, next issue will feature Miyuki Takenaka, as winner of Semi Grand Prix.
"art_icle magazine" is disturbuted at museums, concert halls, and galleries.

From July 12, we will hold two-man exhibition of Miyuki Takenaka and Iku Harada.
Please keep an eye on our website for further information.

image: "Vivid Afterimage" 2011. aclyric plate, watercolor paper, resin, gouache, watercolor, beeswax, pastel, ink 1240×1240mm

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