
Yuma Tomiyasu:Paintings  from Remains of Shadowings
《Untitled (Still Life)》2022, oil paint on wood panel, 62.8 x 74.8 cm
《Remains of Shadowings》from installation view of Setouchi Triennale 2022

  • 冨安由真:Paintings  from <i>かげたちのみる夢   Remains of Shadowings</i>

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Yuma Tomiyasu:Paintings from Remains of Shadowings

Apr.7 (Fri.) - Apr. 16 (Sun.) 2023

Yuma Tomiyasu has attracted attention in recent years for her interventions in a variety of venues. Last year, she participated in the Setouchi Triennale and ATAMI ART GRANT 2022, and this year she is scheduled to hold an installation at the Maruki Museum of Art. On the other hand, exhibitions consisting of two-dimensional works have been highly acclaimed as another way to convey the pure appeal of Tomiyasu's artwork. This exhibition will focus on the two-dimensional works exhibited in an old house on Teshima during the Setouchi Triennale.
Inspired by one of the stories in Koizumi Yakumo's "Shadowings," "Settlement," the works once placed in the abandoned house will tell you a story in the gallery space.
Date Apr.7 (Fri.) - Apr. 16 (Sun.) 2023
Hours Wed.-Fri. 12h-19h / Sat. and Sun. 11-17h
closed Monday and Tuesday
作家による作品解説(日本語) 4月8日(土)15:00-、予約不要 (トーク後、17時まで作家在廊)

《Untitled (Towels)》2022 oil paint on wood panel, 38.2 x 49.2 cm
《Remains of Shadowings》2022
from installation view of Setouchi Triennale 2022

《Untitled (Pots)》2022, oil paint on wood panel, 24.2 x 33.3 cm
《Remains of Shadowings》2022
from installation view of Setouchi Triennale 2022

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