





5月8日(水)より青山夢 個展 「見えない怪獣」を再開します。


・4月27日~ 5月12日大岩オスカール展「乱流時代の油ダコ」@渋谷ヒカリエ
・4月26日~5月15日大岩オスカール個展「ライトショップ」@京都 蔦屋書店

12月16日~ 5月19日「モダン・タイムス・イン・パリ 1925」@ポーラ美術館

・4月27日~5月12日Playground Becomes Dark Slowly」@日比谷公園
・[寄稿文] 大巻伸嗣フォトグラム作品に寄せて(港千尋)

・3月23日〜5月26日「百年後芸術祭- 内房総アートフェス-」in 千葉

・3月23日〜5月26日「百年後芸術祭- 内房総アートフェス-」in 千葉

・3月23日〜5月26日「百年後芸術祭- 内房総アートフェス-」in 千葉
・4月26日~2024年1月末TOKYO CITY CANVAS@都立駒沢オリンピック公園総合運動場

・3月23日〜5月26日「百年後芸術祭- 内房総アートフェス-」in 千葉

・3月23日〜5月26日「百年後芸術祭- 内房総アートフェス-」in 千葉
・4月29日~5月4日 東弘一郎 個展 ハンマ, 半間, HANMA
・4月24日〜5月5日「Revealed – 3つの個人コレクション – 」 Joytech Collection、照井コレクション、G foundation Collection

・3月15日〜6月9日BankART Life7「UrbanNesting:再び都市に棲む」in 横浜

・3月15日〜6月9日BankART Life7「UrbanNesting:再び都市に棲む」in 横浜

・4月24日〜5月5日[ALTERNATIVE-STATE #3]植物元気炉 in 別府、大分

・4月24日〜5月5日「Revealed – 3つの個人コレクション – 」 Joytech Collection、照井コレクション、G foundation Collection
・6月7日~ 6月9日チェルフィッチュ×金氏徹平『消しゴム山』@世田谷パブリックシアター

・4月24日〜5月5日「Revealed – 3つの個人コレクション – 」 Joytech Collection、照井コレクション、G foundation Collection

Realated Project

NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (KIAF2024)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (KIAF2024)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tokyo Gendai 2024)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tokyo Gendai 2024)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Uchiboso Art Festival vol.2)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Uchiboso Art Festival vol.2)
NEW [Contributed Article] Regarding Shinji Ohmaki's Photogram Works
[Contributed Article] Regarding Shinji Ohmaki's Photogram Works
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month  (Taipei Dangdai 2024)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Taipei Dangdai 2024)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Uchiboso Art Festival in Chiba)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Uchiboso Art Festival in Chiba)
NEW Oscar Oiwa “Oil Octopus in the era of turbulent currents”
Oscar Oiwa “Oil Octopus in the era of turbulent currents”
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(映像作品)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(映像作品)
NEW ART SG in January 2024
ART SG in January 2024
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (2023落山風藝術季)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (2023落山風藝術季)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Park Hotel Tokyo Exhibition Vol.2)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Park Hotel Tokyo Exhibition Vol.2)
NEW Kiaf SEOUL 2023 / 키아프 서울 2023
Kiaf SEOUL 2023 / 키아프 서울 2023
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(art fair Tokyo Gendai )
Gallery's Picks for the Month(art fair Tokyo Gendai )
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Park Hotel Tokyo Exhibition Vol.1)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Park Hotel Tokyo Exhibition Vol.1)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(GW注目のアート!)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(GW注目のアート!)
NEW 台北當代藝術博覽會2023 參展資訊
台北當代藝術博覽會2023 參展資訊
NEW Oscar Oiwa and TODO : Taipei Dangdai 2023
Oscar Oiwa and TODO : Taipei Dangdai 2023
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(spring)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(spring)
NEW Mounir Fatmi: from video to installation work
Mounir Fatmi: from video to installation work
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(原田郁)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(原田郁)
NEW Bunpei Kado and Iku Harada will participate in ART SG in January 2023
Bunpei Kado and Iku Harada will participate in ART SG in January 2023
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Yuma Tomiyasu)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Yuma Tomiyasu)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month( Winter Gifts)
Gallery's Picks for the Month( Winter Gifts)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Special Exhibition
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Special Exhibition "Sen")
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month:Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022-Kabakov and Oscar Oiwa
Gallery's Picks for the Month:Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022-Kabakov and Oscar Oiwa
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month《Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022》
Gallery's Picks for the Month《Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022》
NEW Yuma Tomiyasu x Nobuko Nakano Special talk : Why fascinated by the invisible?
Yuma Tomiyasu x Nobuko Nakano Special talk : Why fascinated by the invisible?
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tadash Kawamata)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tadash Kawamata)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Newcomer artists)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Newcomer artists)
NEW  ART HANKYU 2022 in Osaka
ART HANKYU 2022 in Osaka
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Teppei Kaneuji 《S.F. (Something Falling/Floating)》)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Teppei Kaneuji 《S.F. (Something Falling/Floating)》)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month ( Art Fair Tokyo 2022)
Gallery's Picks for the Month ( Art Fair Tokyo 2022)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(いちはらアート×ミックス)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(いちはらアート×ミックス)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (猿楽祭特集)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (猿楽祭特集)
NEW Keiji Ishida: notion of body, time and memory
Keiji Ishida: notion of body, time and memory
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month - October
Gallery's Picks for the Month - October
NEW [Interview] Teppei Kaneuji:S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
[Interview] Teppei Kaneuji:S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month - September
Gallery's Picks for the Month - September
NEW Mounir Fatmi, message to open up the dialogue on life and death
Mounir Fatmi, message to open up the dialogue on life and death
NEW Art Fair Tokyo 2021
Art Fair Tokyo 2021
NEW [Review] Michiko Nakatani: What a Tree Dreams
[Review] Michiko Nakatani: What a Tree Dreams
NEW Let's go on a trip! Digital Drawing Diary “Quarantine” from Oscar Oiwa, NY.
Let's go on a trip! Digital Drawing Diary “Quarantine” from Oscar Oiwa, NY.
NEW Art Front Gallery participates in Taipei Connections!
Art Front Gallery participates in Taipei Connections!
NEW Iku Harada @ Taipei Dangdai
Iku Harada @ Taipei Dangdai
NEW Hitoshi Kuriyama:
Hitoshi Kuriyama: "Something Comes from Nothing" vol.2
NEW Hitoshi Kuriyama:
Hitoshi Kuriyama: "Something Comes from Nothing" vol.1
NEW Iku Harada : Commission work at Senzoku Gakuen, harmony with window, shadow and column
Iku Harada : Commission work at Senzoku Gakuen, harmony with window, shadow and column
NEW An interview of Michiko Nakatani about
An interview of Michiko Nakatani about "Mask in the Bright Day / Harden the Night".
NEW Related Exhibition of ART SETOUCHI @ DAIKANYAMA T-SITE anjin café
Related Exhibition of ART SETOUCHI @ DAIKANYAMA T-SITE anjin café
NEW Iku Harada, Development to AR Project
Iku Harada, Development to AR Project
NEW Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition
Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition "SUIKYO" in Suikyo Hita Art Cultural Festival 2018, Oita
NEW An interview of Teppei Kaneuji about
An interview of Teppei Kaneuji about "Summer Fiction".
NEW An interview of Iku Harada about NEW DIMENSIONS
An interview of Iku Harada about NEW DIMENSIONS
NEW Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi vol.2 : Maximum Sensation
Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi vol.2 : Maximum Sensation
NEW New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
NEW Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
NEW Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi : Save Manhattan 03
Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi : Save Manhattan 03
NEW New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.1: The Machinery
New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.1: The Machinery
NEW Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum
Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum
NEW Tadashi Kawamata works column : Early works in the US
Tadashi Kawamata works column : Early works in the US
NEW Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
NEW Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition,
Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition, "Starting over, Under Construction"
NEW Shinji Ohamki and his new direction
Shinji Ohamki and his new direction
NEW Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
NEW Exhibition 2016 “Arrangement of Things”
Exhibition 2016 “Arrangement of Things”
NEW Shinji Ohmaki's work in Echigo-Tsumari will specially be opened for 10 days this spring.
Shinji Ohmaki's work in Echigo-Tsumari will specially be opened for 10 days this spring.
NEW Cai Guo-Qiang,
Cai Guo-Qiang, "To Build A Ship" completed and launched
NEW Setouchi Art x ISETAN Shinjuku
Setouchi Art x ISETAN Shinjuku
NEW ai Guo-Qiang's PJ
ai Guo-Qiang's PJ "To Build A Ship" started in Nara
NEW dialogue : Iku Harada
dialogue : Iku Harada
NEW dialogue: exhibition report 2012/6/5
dialogue: exhibition report 2012/6/5

Related Exhibition

NEW Art Front Selection : Summer 2024
Art Front Selection : Summer 2024
NEW Yume Aoyama Solo Exhibition : Invisible Kaiju
Yume Aoyama Solo Exhibition : Invisible Kaiju
NEW Iku Harada Solo Exhibition
Iku Harada Solo Exhibition "In the Window"
NEW Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition : moment
Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition : moment
NEW Keiji Ishida Solo Exhibition
Keiji Ishida Solo Exhibition "Short stories Frog song"
NEW Koichiro Azuma Solo Exhibition : HANMA
Koichiro Azuma Solo Exhibition : HANMA
NEW Oscar Oiwa: My Ring
Oscar Oiwa: My Ring
NEW Yuma Tomiyasu:Paintings  from Remains of Shadowings
Yuma Tomiyasu:Paintings from Remains of Shadowings
NEW Art Front Selection : Spring 2023
Art Front Selection : Spring 2023
NEW Dystopia: Transition from Memory
Dystopia: Transition from Memory
NEW Michiko Nakatani Solo Exhibition :  Boat of Presence and Absence / Sukuu, Sukuu, Sukuu
Michiko Nakatani Solo Exhibition : Boat of Presence and Absence / Sukuu, Sukuu, Sukuu
NEW Art Front Selection 2022 summer
Art Front Selection 2022 summer
NEW Yuma Tomiyasu solo exhibition : The Doom
Yuma Tomiyasu solo exhibition : The Doom
NEW Keiji ISHIDA Solo exhibition  -FLOW-
Keiji ISHIDA Solo exhibition -FLOW-
NEW Teppei Kaneuji	: S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
Teppei Kaneuji : S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
NEW Summer Selection:Drawing Nature
Summer Selection:Drawing Nature
NEW Michiko Nakatani : Drawings in the drawer
Michiko Nakatani : Drawings in the drawer
NEW Art Front Selection 2021 spring
Art Front Selection 2021 spring
NEW Oscar Oiwa: Quarantine Series
Oscar Oiwa: Quarantine Series
NEW Art Front Selection 2020 autumn
Art Front Selection 2020 autumn
NEW AFT selection 2020
AFT selection 2020
NEW Hitoshi Kuriyama’s solo exhibition :  Something Comes from Nothing
Hitoshi Kuriyama’s solo exhibition : Something Comes from Nothing
NEW Michiko Nakatani : Mask in the Bright Day / Harden the Night
Michiko Nakatani : Mask in the Bright Day / Harden the Night
NEW Special Exhibition
Special Exhibition
NEW Yuma Tomiyasu : Making All Things Equal / The Sleepwalkers
Yuma Tomiyasu : Making All Things Equal / The Sleepwalkers
NEW Teppei Kaneuji : Summer Fiction
Teppei Kaneuji : Summer Fiction
NEW Mounir Fatmi : Peripheral Vision
Mounir Fatmi : Peripheral Vision
NEW Tadashi Kawamata : Starting Over, Under Construction
Tadashi Kawamata : Starting Over, Under Construction
NEW Shinji Ohmaki - Liminal -
Shinji Ohmaki - Liminal -
NEW Oscar Oiwa : The World is Filled with Light
Oscar Oiwa : The World is Filled with Light
NEW Iku Harada, Tomomi Nishizawa Exhibition:
Iku Harada, Tomomi Nishizawa Exhibition:"This, and the Other"
NEW Shinji Ohmaki: constellation - traces in memories - (at Art Front Gallery in Daikanyama, 2/22 - 3/10)
Shinji Ohmaki: constellation - traces in memories - (at Art Front Gallery in Daikanyama, 2/22 - 3/10)
NEW Shinji Ohmaki: More Light (at Shibuya Hikarie, 2/6 - 2/18)
Shinji Ohmaki: More Light (at Shibuya Hikarie, 2/6 - 2/18)
NEW Oscar Oiwa: Traveling Light (Shibuya Hikarie: -11/26, Art Front Gallery in Daikanyama - 12/2)
Oscar Oiwa: Traveling Light (Shibuya Hikarie: -11/26, Art Front Gallery in Daikanyama - 12/2)
NEW Inside the Garden: Iku Hara / Miyuki Takenaka
Inside the Garden: Iku Hara / Miyuki Takenaka
NEW Series 2: Artists in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009
Series 2: Artists in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009
NEW Artists in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009
Artists in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009
