
Gallery Talk (Japanese-speaking) in Ichihara Lakeside Museum
Gallery Talk (Japanese-speaking)
Date and Time: 13 September (Sat) 13:00 -14:00
Venue: Exhibition Room 2, Ichihara Lakeside Museum
Speaker: Eitaro Ogawa (Project Leader, STPI) and Hisaharu Motoda (Participating Artist)
Free of charge, admission ticket is required.
We are glad to invite Eitaro Ogawa, Project Leader of Singapore Tyler Print Institute (STPI) and Hisaharu Motoda, one of the participating artists of the current exhibition to hold a gallery talk on the theme of What is Print. Eitaro Ogawa, who will be visiting from Singapore, will introduce the mission of STPI as to share his experiences working with the exhibiting artists during their residencies; while Hisaharu Motoda will introduce his latest work follow by a guided-tour.
About STPI:
STPI, which is an internationally renowned space in Singapore for conceptual developments in contemporary art practice in print and paper. STPI’s Creative Workshop offers a dynamic residency programme for leading artists from around the world to experiment and push the boundaries of artistic creation with alternative methods and materials. STPI’s critically acclaimed programme, gallery and exceptional workshop expertise make STPI one of the best international destinations for contemporary arts in Asia.
Works to be introduced:
Eko Nugroho (Indonesia), Ronald Ventura (The Philippines), Haegue Yang (Korea), Lin Tianmiao (China)
About Hisaharu Motoda
Born in 1973 Born in Kumamoto, Japan, Motoda is regarded as one of the rising stars in the world of printmaking, having won several major prizes, including Chief Prize at the 34th GYOR International Symposium of Artists’ Municipal Museum in Hungary and Japan Print Association Prize, since obtaining his MFA in Printmaking from Tokyo University of the Arts, in 2001. He was the recipient of the Fellowship of Japanese Government Overseas Study Programme for Artists 2009/2010.