Ichihara Lakeside Museum 001 Yukihisa Isobe; Environment, Image, Representation
Ichihara Lakeside Museum 001 Yukihisa Isobe; Environment, Image, Representation
- author, editor, contributor
- Edited by Toshio Kondo (Art Front Gallery), Ayana Watanabe(Ichihara Lakeside Museum)
Contributed by Fram Kitagawa
- publisher / publishing year
- Ichihara Lakeside Museum
size | H257 x W182 |
volume / colour | 32 pages, colour |
language | JPN / ENG |
price | ¥1,000 |
- introduction
Catalogue published on the occasion of his solo exhibition for the opening of the museum in 2013. Looking back the artist's activity from the very first stage starting from painting and covering the works done in New York.
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