
Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale

Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale


Until Sep. 17 (Mon)                      

“Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale 2012” will be running until Sep. 17 (Mon) .

This art festival is held every 3 years, many people visited this rich green area, Echigo Tsumari and enjoyed seeing many artworks by international artists.

Oscar Oiwa and Tadashi Kawamata, who are both related artists of Art Front Gallery, participated this art festival.
Tadashi Kawamata presented installation works and art projects such as an installation work “Nakahara Yusuke Cosmology”. For further information, click here.

Oscar Oiwa, who presented “Scarecrow Project” located in Matsudai, will have solo exhibitions in Tokyo in this November. 
Solo exhibition will be hold in two different venues, one at 8/CUBE, 8F, Shibuya Hikarie from Nov. 14 (wed), and another one at Art Front Gallery from Nov. 16 (fri).
For further information on solo exhibitions of Oscar Oiwa, click here.

Click here for details
