
Art Front Selection : Summer 2024
Oscar Oiwa "Hell's Kitchen 1" 2023, oil on canvas, 1780x1374mm

  • Art Front Selection : Summer 2024

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Art Front Selection : Summer 2024

June 8(Sat.) - July 7(Sun.), 2024

Art Front Gallery is holding a summer selection exhibition.

Tadashi KawamataMounir FatmiOscar OiwaEko NugrohoShinji Ohmaki
Date June 8(Sat.) - July 7(Sun.), 2024
Hours Wed. ~ Fri. 12:00 - 19:00 / Sat., Sun.:11:00 - 17:00
Closed Monday and Tuesday

Eko NUGROHO "Nowhere is My Destination (1)" 2019, acrylic on canvas, 2335x3398mm

Born in 1977 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Eko Nugroho began his artistic career in the late 1990s when he was still a student at the Indonesian Art Institute. He now works across the globe as one of the most prominent Indonesian contemporary artists. Nugroho is a member of the “reformasi generation”, experiencing the democratising social reforms in the wake of the collapse of the Suharto regime triggered by the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. The privilege of freedom of expression, which suddenly became a reality, has allowed him to create a wide range of artworks while projecting his own socio-political views.

Two elements, Indonesian tradition and references to contemporary pop culture can be seen as contribution to Nugroho’s works, which are created in Yogyakarta, the artistic centre of art on Java island. While introducing traditional batik and embroideries, his artworks reveals strong influences from contemporary art forms such as street art, graffiti and comics. He creates artworks in various media, from drawings and paintings to murals, sculpture, animation and tapestry.

Tadashi Kawamata "Tsumari No.30" 2023, plywood, chopsticks, acryilic, 730x780x137mm
The work shown here is one of the works Kawamata created during his public residency in Echigo-Tsumari last year.
Kawamata's studio, built within the Tsumari Archive Centre as one of Kawamata's bases in Japan for the 2022 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, is home to one of the largest maquettes in Japan. Kawamata's series, commonly referred to as Site Plans, are plans designed for imaginary buildings and places, rather than plans made for actual spaces. Just as a painter makes drawings to try out new things, Kawamata makes plans for these imaginary sites as a practice on a regular basis. Unlike the plans for the real site, these works seem to be a manifestation of the artist's feelings at the time, the movements of the world and the changing circumstances around him. In particular, this series, called Tsumari, uses green and brown paints, and some of them look like the landscape of the region.

Mounir Fatmi "Maximum Sensation" 2023, skateboards, rug for prayer, 140x810x210mm each
Maximum Sensation is composed of skateboards with colorful prayer rug and is in the collection of American museum and of European corporation. According to Fatmi, he met with a girl in Islamic dress in Afghanistan who drove her skateboard which was allowed for girls unlike bikes and bicycles. The artist was impressed with her courage for progressive change and created this piece as “homage to Afghan girl”. The title has double meaning of maximum sensation which people acquire through praying and other ritual action, or the bodily sensation we get by skateboard.
This work was exhibited in show window at the occasion of Setouchi Triennale 2016.
If Afghanistan is peripheral vis-à-vis Europe and its culture, the same can be said foro Japan. The artist emphasize the vision from periphery, since another vision has always elaborated and enlarged our thinking. Fatmi tries to, through his art, minimize the distance between countries or culture, or between the religion and ordinary lives of ourselves.

Shinji Ohmaki "Gravity and Grace - moment 19/10/2023 (15)", 2023, Photogram, RC paper, aluminum mount, 1310x1062x24mm

This work is a photogram of Shinji Ohmaki's solo exhibition "Interface of Being" held at The National Art Center, Tokyo in late 2023. Gravity and Grace," a large 7-meter-high crucible-shaped installation, played an iconic role as the first thing that caught the eye at the solo exhibition. The light and shadows created by the work, as well as the "presence" of a human arm stretched between the work and the photographic paper, are burned onto the photographic paper as a photogram.(For more details.)

Oscar Oiwa "Hell's Kitchen 1" 2023, oil on canvas, 1780x1374mm

Works of Oiwa, as though veiled over the surface, attract the viewers' perspective into the depth of the plane. His interest in social matters, caught at first in newspapers and articles on internet, will be visualized through elaborative research and drawing process. The finished image, sometimes grandiose and apocalyptic, depicts the life and society with his characteristic sense of humor.
Hell's Kitchen series “Hell's Kitchen” is the name of the neighborhood in New York City where I currently live. It is close to Times Square and has a high concentration of restaurants, but it used to be a very dangerous place. This series of works has a duality, as if there is a war for survival going on in the midst of a common, everyday kitchen.(Oscar Oiwa)

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Shinji Ohmaki's work is exhibited in Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu
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Shinji Ohmaki : allowing the viewers to step into one of the largest installation 《Echoes Infinity》at Aichi Triennale
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Shinji Ohmaki's solo show in Paris at Hermes store on Rue de Sevres.
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Shinji Ohmaki : 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Collection 1 Where you meet with narratives
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Art Front Gallery participates in Taipei Connections!
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Related Exhibition of ART SETOUCHI @ DAIKANYAMA T-SITE anjin café
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Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi vol.2 : Maximum Sensation
NEW New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
NEW Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
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Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi : Save Manhattan 03
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Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum
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Tadashi Kawamata works column : Early works in the US
NEW Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
NEW Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition,
Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition, "Starting over, Under Construction"
NEW Shinji Ohamki and his new direction
Shinji Ohamki and his new direction
NEW Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
NEW Shinji Ohmaki's work in Echigo-Tsumari will specially be opened for 10 days this spring.
Shinji Ohmaki's work in Echigo-Tsumari will specially be opened for 10 days this spring.
NEW Cai Guo-Qiang,
Cai Guo-Qiang, "To Build A Ship" completed and launched
NEW Setouchi Art x ISETAN Shinjuku
Setouchi Art x ISETAN Shinjuku
NEW ai Guo-Qiang's PJ
ai Guo-Qiang's PJ "To Build A Ship" started in Nara
NEW dialogue: exhibition report 2012/6/5
dialogue: exhibition report 2012/6/5
