
Art Front Selection 2022 summer
Hiraku Suzuki《隕石が書く/The Writing of Meteors #01》
2022  1000x 750x 85mm / stone (bolted), silver ink, soil, acrylic paint on canvas

  • Art Front Selection 2022 summer

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Art Front Selection 2022 summer

August 5 (Fri)- 28 (Sun)

Art Front Gallery is pleased to announce upcoming exhibition ”Summer Selection 2022”. It shows the latest works of Hiraku Suzuki, together with those of the aritsts who are currently participating in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022 and Setouchi Triennale.
Date August 5 (Fri)- 28 (Sun)
Hours Wed. - Fri. 12:00 - 19:00 / Sat. Sun. and national holiday 11:00 - 17:00
Closed Monday and Tuesday
《The Writing of Meteors》, new series of Hiraku Suzuki, consists of stones and lines or dots in light-reflecting-silver ink, where stones collected by the artist in various places are bolted on the black processed canvas of acrylic and soil. As indicates the title inspired by Roger Caillois’s "La Lecuture des Pierres", these drawings include elements which could be deciphered as the fragments of letters or signs, suggestive of the trajectory by light shed around the stones.
The artist once stated that he has long been interested in the origin of signs, in exploring new signs in present environment. He also notes special sensitivity ingrained in Japan vis-à-vis “in-between” between “to draw” and “to write”, which may have generated from the culture of Kanji or pictographic Chinese character. The attitude of the artist in search of the border between drawing and writing is thus reflected in this series, furtherly leading to the possible act of draw / write in the space age, inspired by the cosmic timeline which anonymous stones include, or by the orbital lines of constellated stones.

In the same room, exhibited are the works by the artists who are now participating in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022: Tadashi Kawamata, Todo, Chihiro Kabata and Taro Yasuno.

In addition, Setouchi Triennale artists are also shown, including Yuma Tomiyasu, Yoshitaka Nanjo, Oscar Oiwa, Goro Murayama, Mounir Fatmi among others. Oscar Oiwa should especially be noted who has finished his new work in “Ogijima Pavilion” designed by renowned architect Shigeru Ban. He has drawn unique sea scape on sliding three glass windows, overlapping with each other to generate a new image. Here in the gallery is exhibited his painting dated 2016 depicting another old house in Ogijima.

We hope that these works will be an introduction to a fruitful, artistic journey to the art festivals currently inviting audience.

Tadashi Kawamata 《Tsunami No.16》2016

Chihiro Kabata《Getting Further, When the Point Becomes Clearer 》2012

Taro Yasuno《COMPOSITION FOR COSMO-EGGS “Singing Bird Generator” Score》2020

Yuma Tomiyasu《Girl》2015

Mounir Fatmi 《Calligraphy of Fire》2017

Oscar Oiwa《Ogi House 5》2016

Shinji Ohmaki《Echoes-Infinity》2013

Goro Murayama《Generative drawing[Rhizome]-YO・Y・G》2022

Yoshitaka Nanjo《Sakaide City》2019

TODO《Snow on the roof - 松之山黒倉》2022

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Winter Holidays
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Selected Art Fair 2018 SHU SHU SHU SHOW @ Spiral Garden in Omotesando, Tokyo
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Chihiro Kabata/Yuuri Kabata "Miniature garden and Schwarzer Wald : Simulacra and Blind Illusion"
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Realated Project

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”Hiraku Suzuki: Excavation Today“ @The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma
NEW Kiaf SEOUL 2023 / 키아프 서울 2023
Kiaf SEOUL 2023 / 키아프 서울 2023
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(art fair Tokyo Gendai )
Gallery's Picks for the Month(art fair Tokyo Gendai )
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(GW注目のアート!)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(GW注目のアート!)
NEW 台北當代藝術博覽會2023 參展資訊
台北當代藝術博覽會2023 參展資訊
NEW Oscar Oiwa and TODO : Taipei Dangdai 2023
Oscar Oiwa and TODO : Taipei Dangdai 2023
NEW Mounir Fatmi: from video to installation work
Mounir Fatmi: from video to installation work
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Yuma Tomiyasu)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Yuma Tomiyasu)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month( Winter Gifts)
Gallery's Picks for the Month( Winter Gifts)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Special Exhibition
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Special Exhibition "Sen")
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month:Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022-Kabakov and Oscar Oiwa
Gallery's Picks for the Month:Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022-Kabakov and Oscar Oiwa
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month《Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022》
Gallery's Picks for the Month《Collections of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2022》
NEW Yuma Tomiyasu x Nobuko Nakano Special talk : Why fascinated by the invisible?
Yuma Tomiyasu x Nobuko Nakano Special talk : Why fascinated by the invisible?
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tadash Kawamata)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (Tadash Kawamata)
NEW  ART HANKYU 2022 in Osaka
ART HANKYU 2022 in Osaka
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(Teppei Kaneuji 《S.F. (Something Falling/Floating)》)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(Teppei Kaneuji 《S.F. (Something Falling/Floating)》)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month ( Art Fair Tokyo 2022)
Gallery's Picks for the Month ( Art Fair Tokyo 2022)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (くつろぎ空間のアート!ラグジュアリーホテル特集)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (くつろぎ空間のアート!ラグジュアリーホテル特集)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month(いちはらアート×ミックス)
Gallery's Picks for the Month(いちはらアート×ミックス)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month (猿楽祭特集)
Gallery's Picks for the Month (猿楽祭特集)
NEW [Interview] Teppei Kaneuji:S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
[Interview] Teppei Kaneuji:S.F.(Smoke and Fog)
NEW Gallery's Picks for the Month - September
Gallery's Picks for the Month - September
NEW Mounir Fatmi, message to open up the dialogue on life and death
Mounir Fatmi, message to open up the dialogue on life and death
NEW Art Fair Tokyo 2021
Art Fair Tokyo 2021
NEW TODO : Chikuho-Coal
TODO : Chikuho-Coal
NEW Let's go on a trip! Digital Drawing Diary “Quarantine” from Oscar Oiwa, NY.
Let's go on a trip! Digital Drawing Diary “Quarantine” from Oscar Oiwa, NY.
NEW Art Front Gallery participates in Taipei Connections!
Art Front Gallery participates in Taipei Connections!
NEW Dialogue: work commentary by Taro Yasuno
Dialogue: work commentary by Taro Yasuno
NEW Related Exhibition of ART SETOUCHI @ DAIKANYAMA T-SITE anjin café
Related Exhibition of ART SETOUCHI @ DAIKANYAMA T-SITE anjin café
NEW An interview of Yoshitaka Nanjo : Roots of travel / sea drop(Daikanyama)
An interview of Yoshitaka Nanjo : Roots of travel / sea drop(Daikanyama)
NEW An interview of Teppei Kaneuji about
An interview of Teppei Kaneuji about "Summer Fiction".
NEW Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi vol.2 : Maximum Sensation
Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi vol.2 : Maximum Sensation
NEW New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.2: The class room
NEW Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
Masterpiece of Tadashi Kawamata : Frauenbad
NEW Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi : Save Manhattan 03
Masterpiece of Mounir Fatmi : Save Manhattan 03
NEW New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.1: The Machinery
New works of Mounir Fatmi vol.1: The Machinery
NEW New works of Chihiro Kabata
New works of Chihiro Kabata
NEW Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum
Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum
NEW Chihiro Kabata Unpublished Diary
Chihiro Kabata Unpublished Diary
NEW Tadashi Kawamata works column : Early works in the US
Tadashi Kawamata works column : Early works in the US
NEW Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
Tadashi Kawamata:Pick up artworks
NEW Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition,
Column on Tadashi Kawamata exhibition, "Starting over, Under Construction"
NEW Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
Latest work by Tadashi Kawamata has realized at Nara
NEW Exhibition 2016 “Arrangement of Things”
Exhibition 2016 “Arrangement of Things”
NEW Cai Guo-Qiang,
Cai Guo-Qiang, "To Build A Ship" completed and launched
NEW ai Guo-Qiang's PJ
ai Guo-Qiang's PJ "To Build A Ship" started in Nara
NEW dialogue: exhibition report 2012/2/16
dialogue: exhibition report 2012/2/16
NEW dialogue: Chihiro Kabata interview
dialogue: Chihiro Kabata interview
