
Hisaharu Motoda and Oscar Oiwa at The Shoto Museum of Art, Shibuya
Hisaharu Motoda and Oscar Oiwa will participate in the group exhibition "Beyond the End: Ruins in Art History" at The Shoto Museum of Art from December 8, 2018-January 31, 2019.
Ruins and ancient remains had been depicted repeatedly in landscape paintings throughout the history of Western art. Admiring the views of ruins and drawing them – this aesthetic was transmitted to modern Japanese art through contact with Western culture.
From Hubert Robert the painter and Piranesi the etcher, renowned painters of ruins in the eighteenth century, Constable from the nineteenth century, Henri Rousseau, Magritte and Delvaux in the twentieth century, artists have drawn ruins. Some Japanese painters have also followed this theme: Aodo Denzen in the Edo Period, Fujishima Takeji and Oka Shikanosuke in modern times, and Motoda Hisaharu, Oscar Oiwa and Nomata Minoru in the present day.
For some reason, people have been fascinated by the sights of the distant past or distant future that has been destroyed or will be destroyed by the passage of time.
This exhibition gathers works depicting ruins and city landscapes in the past or near future, from old Western masters to contemporary Japanese art, to provide insight into this phenomenon.
For available works of Motoda and Oiwa, please visit artist page of Art Front Gallery: Click here
■Beyond the End: Ruins in Art History
Date: December 8, 2018-January 31, 2019
Hours: 10:00 am -6:00 pm (10:00 am- 8:00 pm on Friday)
Venue: the Shoto Museum of Art (2-14-14 Shoto, Shibuya, Tokyo)
General: 500 yen (400 yen); University Students: 400 yen (320 yen); High-School Students/Seniors 60 and Older: 250 yen (200 yen); Elementary/Junior-High-School Students: 100 yen (80 yen)
*Numbers inside parentheses ( ) are admission fees for groups of ten or more and for Shibuya residents.
photo : Hisaharu Motoda , Revelation-KabukichoⅠ, 2004, lithograph, 520 x 730 mm
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